Took the recipe from here -
But I had to change the recipe a li'l as Mom felt that the amount of chillies was a li'l too much in the recipe and tamarind wasn't necessary as we were anyway adding lime and curds for sourness.
Here is what I did
- Marinated half kg of prawns with juice of half lemon, 1/2 tbsp pepper and 1/2 tsp turmeric overnight.
- Ground long red chillies (about 10) , 1/2 tsp coriander seeds , 1/4 tsp each pf cumin and fenugreek seeds and 8 garlic flakes into a paste with a li'l water.
- Roasted the marinated prawns with 2 tbsp oil for 6 mins (3 mins each side).
- Separately roasted the ground masala with some oil for 10 mins.
- Added salt , roasted prawns , 2 tbsp curds to the above masala and cooked for 2 more mins on low flame. The masala should have a thick consistency by now.
- Final touch : 3 tbsp ghee :). Mixed well and served hot.
And here is it.
I know I know . I need to work on the presentation.
But I am not a fan of coriander garnish and did not want to waste lime wedges just for visual effects